I used to sit in front of my television while I worked, catching up on my saved list from Philo. Nowadays I have trouble concentrating on work because my dog just keeps on being a weirdo and is much more entertaining to observe. Here are the top 10 most memorable (and funny) things she’s done so far in less than three weeks of knowing her.
Every single time she finishes eating, she flips the food dish over and slaps it down like Dominos — three times a day, never fails. (Black folks at cookouts know exactly what I’m talking about.)
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2. No matter how many times I show her how to sit on the dog bed, she prefers to turn it upside down and hang over it like a swimming pool float.
3. Additionally, she’s somehow decided that she prefers to lay on the cold plastic of her crate. But every blue moon she’ll jump on that same dog bed and just slide around the room on it like it’s a water slide. My laminate wood floors make this fairly easy to do.
4. Rest in peace to the travel dog playpen that didn’t last three days. I got so tired of her running around my condo one day, so I put her inside of this — thinking the crate could stay in my bedroom. But if you’ve ever seen the Running of the Balls, then you know what she looked like as she flipped the entire playpen over and over, and ran around one end of my living room to another while flipping the playpen. She made thorough use of this being “lightweight.”
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5. Extra points for her figuring out that the net at the top of the playpen was impossible to tear apart, so she flipped it upside down to bite out the “scratch-resistant nylon.” By Day 3 of Running of the Balls, I noticed her full head popping out of the bottom. (Even when I unzipped it so she could just lay inside, she still chose to act like she was trapped to continue this game.)