Dogs are the anti-smoking initiative that and American Cancer Society can't be
North Side Chicago pet owners may disagree with Illinois not making it to the "States With The Most Responsible Dog Owners, Ranked"

“I think all the dogs on the North Side are high,” my mother said to me one day, observing two happy dog owners strolling down the street. “I haven’t seen one of them bark all day!”
I cracked up laughing. Sure enough, for 48 straight hours, I constantly saw dogs — with and without their owners — during her overnight stay. And all of those four-legged fluffs were mingling and not being particularly aggressive.
So forgive me if I’m a little jealous of Washington for being ranked as the number one “State With The Most Responsible Dog Owners, Ranked.” While Illinois didn’t rank in the bottom 50, I’m bringing us up for an honorable mention and “Most Slept On State With the Most Responsible Dog Owners.”
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The questions asked within the survey were valid: heartworm medication distribution, vaccination updates, exercise routine, vetting other dog play dates and grooming regimen (mainly clipping nails and brushing teeth). And while some pet owners can definitely up their game in making sure their pets have better physical and mental health, there are a host of reasons that dogs are doing humans a world of good too — especially those over the age of 50 who are living alone and at risk of cognitive decline.
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Dog articles constantly release about how canines improve human health. In the latest news alert, there’s something that dogs can do that the American Cancer Society, and other anti-smoking campaign companies can’t do. They’re a much cuter reminder that smokers may want to ease up on the cigarettes, specifically pet owners of Scottish terriers, who are at the highest risk of bladder cancer.
Recommended Buy (from What On Earth Catalog): Dachshund Bookends
My dog is the Cigarette Police
Although my adopted dog is predicted to be a mix of Black and Tan Coonhound and Dachshund, this breed (or her anyway) made it known that she was the Cigarette Police. Even if I’m a little embarrassed by how ballsy she is about it, I can’t help but notice her antics have made my neighbor (temporarily) put her cigarettes away.