Chelsea, Kwame doesn't like your dog Rocky
And six other warnings for people who date anti-pet people

These are examples of black men who love their pets. This is an example of a black man who loves his pet squirrel, one of which is named Richard. I bring these examples up solely in hopes that women like Chelsea from Netflix’s “Love Is Blind” can recognize the signs when brothas (or white men or Asian men or Hispanic men) do not like your dog. On each episode of the fourth season, I wave my arms up in exasperation, listening to her and Kwame (her fiance) talk about her dog Rocky.
Even on the most recent episode when Kwame met Chelsea’s family, one of the first questions Chelsea’s mother asked in a one-on-one conversation was about Rocky. Kwame mentioned having a work-from-home job and dogsitting Rocky, but anyone who has seen an optometrist in their entire life can see the look of irritation on Kwame’s face about this dog.
Still, the heart wants what it wants, and sometimes people can’t see the signs. In this post, I give you six of the top (and weakest) excuses to let you know this person does not like your dog without saying “I don’t like your dog.”
1. How are we going to travel with your dog?
Translation: I have never traveled with a dog and don’t know how to plan this excursion with a four-legged animal.
Truth: Dog carriers were made for a reason. While there has been an uptick in some airlines declining to let emotional support animals (ESAs) travel in the same way service dogs do, most airlines still have a cargo option to go from Point A to Point B. And even the laziest search on Google shows pet-friendly hotels.
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2. We’ll never be able to travel because your dog always has to come.
Translation: Even if airlines offer pet travel and you find a pet-friendly hotel, I don’t want your dog to come.
Truth: Google is your friend again. And online pet apps such as Wag! are the perfect ones to use for dogsitting, dogboarding and dog caregiving. If you’re really worried about your dog’s safety with a stranger, there are even free apps to install home surveillance cameras. Even if you don’t want an absolute stranger living in your home while you travel, dog caregivers can be paid to pop in for 20-30 minutes to play, feed and walk your dog. Or, you can even have the dog caregiver pick your dog up to then take him/her to the caregiver’s home, which avoids the caregiver living in your place.
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