I was Today Years Old when I learned of dog braces
Yes, Julia from ‘Desus & Mero,’ dog braces may be a ‘white woman thing’

You learn something new everyday. And I’m now learning pet tips about dog eye doctors, pet insurance and one other pup health tip I never knew existed — until today. On Showtime’s “Desus & Mero,” Julia (warm-up moderator for the show) asked, “Would you ever get your dog braces if he really needed it?” And the look on co-host Desus’ face matched mine.
Even as a 22-year dog owner and yearlong dog care specialist, I still don’t claim to know everything about them. And I was Today Years Old when I learned that there are braces for the four-legged animals who I have chased around to stop chewing on rocks, split bones, sticks, plastic, every possible thing in a garbage can (besides lettuce) and antlers. Judging from my own reaction and the Bodega Boys’ facial expressions, I can only assume that Julia may be right when she joked that it must be a “white woman thing.” While there may be other groups who have paid for (or heard of) this pet procedure, I’m going to go out on a limb and assume it’s not as common as one may think.
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According to Mother Nature Network, not only have pet health professionals such as Dr. Dale Kressin put somewhere around 65-75 orthodontic appliances on dogs, but he’s also managed to do so on cats. I can only imagine how that went. Personally speaking, I have a bone to pick with dog owners who are determined to make furry four-legged animals into small toddlers.