Boots or no boots: Winter season is no fun for dog paws
Is it necessary for all dogs to wear winter boots?

There are some moments when I remember I have a black girl dog — not a black dog as in physical appearance and genitalia. I’m talking about the protest my black girl dog puts up whenever it rains outside, and she has absolutely no interest in getting her fur wet. In my nonsensical ramblings to her, I once stopped at my back door, looked down at her with her butt stuck out to avoid being pulled outside, and said, “STOP ACTING LIKE YOU HAVE A FRESH PERM!” Sistas know exactly what I’m talking about.
Recommended Read: “Eight absurd things I’ve said to my dog … ~ … and why she probably thinks I’m a nutcase”
I wasn’t quite sure if the Hound mix I adopted would be a winter dog or a summer dog when I first got her, but the rain tantrums convinced me she’d lean more on the side of my Labrador Retriever/German Shepherd crossbreed of 13 years. Shep, my first dog, had zero desire to be outside if the temperature was under 50 degrees. He was a summer dog through and through, and one particularly awful tornado made him terrified of rain and lightning forever.
As an Amazon affiliate, I earn a percentage from purchases with my referral links. I know some consumers are choosing to boycott Amazon for its DEI removal. However, after thinking about this thoroughly, I want to continue promoting cool products from small businesses, women-owned businesses and (specifically) Black-owned businesses who still feature their items on Amazon. As of the first date of Black History Month 2025, each new post will ALWAYS include a MINIMUM of one product sold by a Black-owned business. (I have visited the seller’s official site to verify that Amazon Black-owned logo.) I am (slowly) doing this with older, popular posts too. If you still choose to boycott, I 100% respect that decision.
Recommended Read: “A natural disaster vs my dog: I chose my dog ~ When a Chicago tornado made me fully understand dog lovers”
Meanwhile, my second dog (a German Shepherd purebred of nine years) wanted no parts of hot weather and would dart back inside for any weather over 70 degrees. They couldn’t have been more different. But the one thing neither dog wore during the winter seasons were dog clothing attire, specifically dog winter boots.