Happy Halloween: Jackie versus Junee on All Hallows' Eve
Junee fighting Halloween decorations: My favorite new part of the holiday

As much as I enjoy watching my mother treat her dog like a new Barbie doll (I was the first one — long story), this entire month of October has tickled me, primarily because the two of us are two totally different dog owners.

While my mother was shopping around for the best Halloween look for Jackie, I was making it my business to walk all over Chicago to find creepy Halloween decorations. And I was far more entertained watching Junee fight Halloween decorations too. If you haven’t seen this series on YouTube, enjoy!
Junee losing her ish over Halloween decorations, Part 1
Junee losing her ish over Halloween decorations, Part 2
Junee losing her ish over Halloween decorations, Part 3
Shamontiel is a dog lover to her core: 556 completed walks with 98 dogs, eight dog-housesittings and six dog boardings at the time of this publication.
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