Always pet proof your home and fence
Don’t let Animal Control take your dog away because it’s not built for control
I don’t believe in two-against-one fights, but if it comes down to my dog against your dog, I’m riding for my dog all the way. Judge me! That appeared to be the situation I was going to have to deal with earlier this week. I was walking one of my top-five favorite dogs ever — a hyper Miniature Pinscher who thinks sidewalks are overrated. If ever there is an opportunity to climb on a fence, a tall rock or just about anything that requires me to hold my arm straight out like I’m pointing, this dog will do it.
This Min Pin will wake you up quicker than coffee. You have to be ready for action at all times because he’s lovable but high-strung. And when I walk a dog such as him, I’m always alert around other dogs. (I’ve already seen him jump on another dog’s back out of nowhere. He clearly thought it was carnival ride time.) I apologized profusely and never let this happen again. Karma clearly caught up with me anyway because a small, off-leash puppy did the same thing to him. He looked up at me, mortified that this dog had crawled underneath him. That was his job, not other dogs.
But sometimes dogs that appear to be friendly can be sneaky. I learned that the hard way. It also taught me a valuable lesson about proper home preparation.
Recommended Read: “The dog is digging up the plants again ~ Tips to stop your dog from destroying your yard”
I saw the brown and black crossbreed sitting quietly behind an iron gate. He didn’t bark. He barely blinked. He just looked at us. And I was startled by him at first because he resembled my first dog, Shep, so much. He seemed pretty well-behaved as me and the Min Pin walked by. But again, I already know how this Min Pin acts so I kept him on a tighter leash.
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And I gasped as the Shep Lookalike made one long leap and lurched his body halfway through the iron rod gate. He let out a low growl, while my Min Pin pretty much ignored him. But all I could think of was, “If I’d let this Min Pin walk on a loose leash, the dog behind this gate would’ve easily bitten him. And I would’ve had to explain this to the owner through buckets of tears after I explained how I grabbed everything in sight to fight this dog off.”