Wait to see what she's barking at. Jackie won't go. Poor Jackie. She's over it. Come on, Jackie. You'll be all right. This is what you're barking at. And that. Oh, and that. I didn't even notice that. Junie's ready to fight. Jackie's like, get me off this cattle block. Junie, it's over with. It's not gonna fight you back.
Bye Halloween decorations.

Happy Halloween from Junee and a Black Girl In a Doggone World (Part 1 of 2)

Junee wants all the smoke, Jackie is ready to go home!

One of my favorite parts of autumn is laughing at Junee start fights with Halloween decorations. And she’s at it again. Meanwhile, Jackie was over the whole walk and ready for my parents to rescue her to go home. Hilarious.

Still shopping for Halloween decorations? Check out my suggestions!

Shamontiel is a dog lover to her core: 612 completed walks with 99 dogs, eight dog-housesittings and six dog boardings at the time of this publication.

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